Tuesday, October 30, 2012

My birthday and Halloween :)

For my birthday mom made us a huge dinner and we spent time with my family! Davis bought me a Kate Spade watch that I am in love with and mom and sis made me a necklace with charms for Jayce :) The day was great and I am so grateful for my amazing family!
Saturday we went to my neighbors annual Halloween party so I wore my skeleton shirt to dress me and Jayce up, Davis of course had to be green man again. This time he was an alien painter, or at least that's what I think he was going for haha!


Poor Wilson

Last week Wilson was sick for a few days and then ended up getting attacked by another dog :( He has bite marks all over his legs and some on his neck and head. Needless to say we decided this was our sign it was time to stop letting him roam freely and to get him fixed. Luckily he did pretty well with the surgery but was not excited about the cone he has to wear! I swear he was a human in another life, he loves posing for the camera! Here are some recent pictures of my big baby :)

Baby Shower & Daddy's Diaper Party

On October 22nd we had our showers for Jayce! They turned out great and we are very blessed with family and friends to help us prepare for babies arrival! My shower was airplane themed like the nursery and it couldn't have turned out better :)

As you can see we had LOTS to go through the next day! Jayce is definitely spoiled.


3d/4d ultrasound #2!!!

We got to see our peanut once more because the first time he was stubborn :) No surprise he was even more stubborn the second time! We got one good face shot and I'm pretty sure he is going to look like me!!! He is going to have daddy's personality, we caught him picking his nose! I can't wait to actually hold him!


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Maternity Pictures!

This past weekend the weather was amazing so we decided to have my mom take some maternity pictures! I have to admit she did a great job and I'm glad we saved from getting a photographer!! These were taken at 32 weeks :)


Monday, October 8, 2012

10 weeks to go!!

These are some pictures from 30 weeks! My baby bump is getting so big!!
Jayce is also moving lots more now and I'm starting to really feel him grow! Although it's uncomfortable at times I love knowing he's active in there!


Dinner date with my parents

Here are some pictures from a few times recently we've went to dinner with my parents.

Big brother

Wilson is getting excited about being a big brother :)

Starting the nursery!!

Here are some photos of the starting touches to JP's nursery. It is airplane theme because his daddy works on planes!

Daddy's copilot!

In our latest shopping sprees for Jayce we found this onsie and Davis said this what Jayce is going to look like :)

3D/4D ultrasound!!

We finally got another ultrasound and this one made me cry like a baby! Davis and I took my little sister (Aunt Syd) with us this time so she could see Jayce :)

Mom is pretty sure he's going to have my big nose, haha! This time we could see him yawning and opening his eyes!! It's amazing the things they can do with these ultrasounds!

Lindsey's Wedding!

A few weeks ago we got to attend one of my best friends sisters wedding! It was so pretty and we had a great time.

I was also glad to see the girls...it had been a very long time!

Catching up!

It's been awhile! I'm going to post some of the photos I have from the last few weeks since I'm so behind!

Around 26 weeks I decided I was ready for a change with my hair! So I went ahead and donated my ponytail to locks of love :) I must admit I love the new do!