On April 5th, Davis and I went to a Redbirds game....little did I know I was about to be proposed to in front of the entire stadium!! I can't even explain how exciting his proposal was I never dreamt someone would do something that daring to ask for my hand in marriage but of course Davis has to go above and beyond!! The evening started with me grumpy because he refused to let me bring Jayce with us but I ended up letting it go and having a really good time.
One of the announcers came up to us and asked if we would play a game....at first my answer was NO! I thought we would be throwing a ball or something and I knew I'd embarass myself! He then explained we simply had to pick a team for the hamster ball race and could win a lottery ticket so I was game! Having no clue what was about to come...
Congrat's! I love Davis' expressions...hilarious.