Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Two Months Old

Like I said before time flies with little ones!!

At Jayce's 2 month checkup I think I was sadder than him about shots :( He handled it like a pro, mommy on the other hand HATES needles!  He did scream but as soon as they gave him some liquid medicine he was good to go!
He weighed 12lbs 6oz and was 24 inches long!  His weight and height are in the 75 percentile, while he has a huge noggin it measured in the 90 percentile!!  He gets this from daddy ;)
Recently he has started talking so much and he is very playful.  He will mimic facial expression, for example sticking his tongue out or smiling really big!  He has also discovered he can feel things and loves playing with his hands....not to mention he has found the thumb!  He is just this week noticing his feet and wondering what the heck they are, he seems a bit confused when he moves them.
He laughs in his sleep a lot which is one of my favorite things he does and he LOVES Spongebob at the moment!  His favorite movies are Monsters Inc and Dispicable Me.  He enjoys his wrist rattles and likes to play on his playmat, however tummy time is NOT one of his favorite things!
He was eating 6oz every 3-4 hours however we had some tummy issues and the doctor recommended we take him back down to 4oz so that is what we are doing!  He uses Dr Brown bottles and is in size 1 diapers.  He is gradually outgrowing his 0-3 clothing and moving into 3-6 months, yes my boy is HUGE!  Went to the doctor on 2.15.13 he was 11 weeks and 1 day and weighed 14lbs!

My blue eyed boy :)

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