Tuesday, May 28, 2013

First full night in the nursery!!

 Last night Jayce slept his first full night in the nursery...well really his first time ever besides 2 small naps!  I will admit I had a harder time with this than he did!!  I slept on the couch just to be closer to his room and woke up about every hour to look at the monitor and make sure he was ok!  He barely moved besides stretching out....I guess my baby is becoming a big boy :(  Maybe daddy will still let him sleep with us on weekends!
I think he was dreaming about airplanes and flying :) he sprawled his arms out about an hour after being in his room.
Jayce seemed pretty happy this morning so I think he enjoyed his room :) 

Memorial Day Fun

We had a crazy busy Memorial Day weekend with running around but we did get to enjoy one relaxing day in the sun!  Saturday we had a small cookout at the house with some friends and their kids!  We rented a blow up waterslide and grilled out, overall the day was really fun and JP loved being outside!
Enjoying the sun with mommy :)
Jayce and Ryder in their suits! He was about ready for nap time here.
My silly boy ;)
Friday night Aunt Syd stayed over so she got to steal my cuddle buddy!  She is such a great aunt Jayce really enjoys time with her!!

Eliana is here!

 Davis' sister had her little girl Thursday May 23rd at 7pm!  Eliana Rose weighed 4lbs 12oz and was 18 inches long!  She had to be monitored the first day due to her size, she came 5 weeks early, but other than that she is perfectly healthy and home now!
Jayce with his MiMi (great grandmother) waiting to meet cousin Eliana

Once Samantha got home we went to visit and help get everything setup up for baby Eliana!  Theresa came by to visit with Kinsey while we were there so Jayce and her got to play :)  My little grizzlies fan had fun playing that day!

Jayce 5 Month Stats!

4/29/13 - 5 months old
Weight: 16 lbs 0 oz
Feeding:  6oz every 3 hours, he eats every 3 hours on the dot during the day and he will let you know when its time!
Diaper size: 2
Clothing: mostly 6 months and 6-9 months in sleepers
Sleep: bedtime is usually around 8pm and he would sleep until 8 am if I'd let him!  On work mornings I wake him to go to my moms.  I honestly can't remember the last time he woke up in the middle of the night YAY!
Jayce is growing so fast!  This post is late because he will be 6 months tomorrow!!!!  In his 5th month he has learned a lot of new things...he can now sit in his jumparoo and bumbo seat like a big boy!  He loves toys and is learning to interact with them better.  EVERYTHING goes in his mouth and he is drooling like crazy, I believe we may see a tooth soon!  He officially has rolling over down pact from back to belly, he can get from belly to back but not so easily and he gets a bit frustrated.  We have still held off on baby food due to his tummy being so sensitive :( He gets yogurt melts though and he LOVES them!  Jayce talks non stop and loves to flirt with girls ;)


Moments with JP

 I know I am a bit obsessed with my child! Some more cuties :)
I cannot believe how big he is getting!  Baby boxers on the right :)
My first Mothers Day, so proud to be this little miracles mommy!

Playdates with Ryder

 Jayce & Ryder are becoming the best of friends :) So excited that they are so close in age and get to learn new things together!  For mine and Amber's first mothers day we took the boys to the Red Birds game!
Silly boys holding hands!
Jayce in milk coma after playing!
Outside fun
They're so much fun!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Pictures during Jayce's 5th month

 I haven't posted on a while so here are some pictures of my big 5 month old!! (who mind you will be 6 months next week) geez time flies :)
I am so excited he can now use this jumparoo!  He loves it and it enterains him while I get some things done around the house.
I just love this smile :)  He is looking more like daddy the bigger he gets!
Laid back....always has his feet crossed!
Sweet Potatoes -- YUMM
Don't mind me while I prop my feet up!  Silly kid
Think he was up to no good?!
During this month JP has developed a loving bond with his feet!  He talks to them, he eats them, and well he even picks his nose with them!!!